As winter sets in, our home and office heaters kick on. Warm air holds a lot more water, i.e., humidity, than cold air. So why is my home so dry during the winter? As in many problems, consider the source. Your furnace draws air from cold outside winter air. Consider this quick example:
- A Summer Day at 86°F, holds about 18 grams of water per cubic meter.
- A Winter Day at 32°F, holds about 2.9 grams of water per cubic meter.
That’s a 6-fold reduction in water vapor content between typical summer and winter conditions!
This can have surprising effects on our health, comfort, and even the condition of our home and office furnishings, plants and floors. Ensuring proper humidity levels during winter is a simple yet impactful way to improve your health, comfort and environment . Here’s why proper humidity matters and how it benefits you:
1. Improves Respiratory Health
Winter’s dry air can wreak havoc on our respiratory systems. Low humidity dries out nasal passages, throats, and mucous membranes, making it easier for viruses and bacteria to invade. This is one reason why colds and flu are more common in winter. Maintaining indoor humidity levels between 30–50% can help keep your respiratory system moist and more resistant to infection.
2. Prevents Dry Skin and Irritation
Cold air outside and heated air inside are both culprits in causing dry skin, chapped lips, and irritated eyes. Proper humidity helps retain the moisture in your skin and reduces the need for constant application of moisturizers and lip balms. It also alleviates conditions like eczema, which can worsen in overly dry environments.
3. Boosts Comfort and Warmth
Humid air feels warmer than dry air at the same temperature. By increasing the humidity in your home, you can make your space feel more comfortable without cranking up the thermostat. This not only saves energy but also reduces heating costs.
4. Protects Furniture and Woodwork
Dry air can cause wood to shrink, crack, or warp. This can lead to damage in hardwood floors, furniture, and even musical instruments like pianos or guitars. Proper humidity helps preserve the integrity and looks of wood-based materials in your home or office..
5. Reduces Static Electricity
Dry air is infamous for producing static electricity, leading to annoying shocks, static cling in clothing, and interference with electronic devices. Increasing humidity levels can help minimize static buildup.
6. Supports Better Sleep
Dry air can exacerbate snoring and cause throat irritation, leading to restless nights for you and your family. A well-humidified bedroom supports better breathing and promotes deeper, more restorative sleep.
7. Protects Indoor Plants
Indoor plants do more than beautify your space—they also improve air quality. However, low humidity can dry out the soil and leaves, causing plants to struggle. Proper humidity ensures your plants continue to thrive.
How to Maintain Proper Humidity
Investing in a humidifier is the simplest way to maintain ideal indoor humidity. Some thermostats and many inexpensive thermometers can help you track the humidity in your home or office which should range between 30 to 50%. A hygrometer is an inexpensive tool that can help you monitor and maintain proper humidity. Be careful not to over-humidify your space, as excessive moisture can lead to mold growth and other issues.
By paying attention to indoor humidity, you can create a healthier, cozier, and more enjoyable environment for people, plants, furniture, floors and musical instruments. Yes, your warm interior space can hold healthy amounts of moisture comparable to summer air but again, the source is that dry winter outside air. So where’s the moisture to come from? It’s up to you to provide it.
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440 West Bonner Rd. Wauconda, IL 60084 IS
(847) 526-9556