How many of the  goals that you set this year did you accomplish? Congratulations on accomplishing what you did during 2021! Even the smallest accomplishment is worth celebrating, because taking the steps to achieve your goals is a lot harder than it may seem. 

As we head into the new year, many people are thinking about what their New Years resolutions may be for 2022. Setting goals using a system called “SMART” can help you follow through and achieve the goals you set. Follow the SMART steps and you will find that you not only set goals that are achievable, but also that your goals help you achieve something meaningful, helping you forward in all your pursuits.

  • S – Specific

When determining your goal, make sure you have a specific idea of what you want to accomplish and how you can achieve it. 

  • M – Measurable

A common mistake with setting goals is setting too broad a goal and one that can not be measured. Make sure your goal has a current measurable state and a proposed future measure of where you want to be.

  • A – Achievable

Your goals should be possible to accomplish. Set your standards too high or outside of your capabilities, and you will have a significantly more difficult time achieving them.

  • R – Relevant

Is it the right time for this particular goal? Sometimes, we want to pursue goals that we may not  have the time, energy, or resources to achieve the goal. 

  • T –  Time-bound.

Break your goal down and setdeadlines for each step it will take to accomplish the goals! 

What goals are you setting for the new year?