Don’t Touch This – The Door Knob’s Story

Don’t Touch This – The Door Knob’s Story

You used to be called a “germaphobe” if you took extra precautions to avoid contact with other people and things. But COVID turned us all into germaphobes and wasn’t it pleasant for many of us to not only avoid COVID, but also to avoid bouts with colds and flu. If...
Microbes love to have lunch with us

Microbes love to have lunch with us

At LACOSTA we fight a never-ending battle against unwanted microbes. The battle is often most intense around food. We work in large food processing plants. Your battles are in the office or at home. Those little critters we affectionately call bacteria have an...
Is your desk a microbe jungle…

Is your desk a microbe jungle…

Every day you see the LACOSTA team members diligently cleaning visible  soiling and dust for your company. But did you know that a significant part of what we do is battle microbes – tiny single-celled beings. Some are good, but the ones we battle have a bad attitude...
Tips to Help Banish the Winter Blues

Tips to Help Banish the Winter Blues

Humans need sunlight. Not only does it give us nourishing Vitamin D through our skin, but it even makes us happy. During the winter months, not only do we experience shorter days and colder weather, but some of us catch a case of seasonal blues. If you’re struggling...