Who comes first – the boss or the customer?

Who comes first – the boss or the customer?

This crucial question comes down to your company culture and mindset – and both are changing hopefully as fast as technology is changing the status quo in most industries. Of course, there is no right or wrong here but there is a definite shift. Technology is changing...
What if your favorite team had no head coach?

What if your favorite team had no head coach?

And three ideas to spark your own leadership performances… Every sports team – amateur and professional – has a head coach. Makes sense, right? For example, in the NFL, you need strong leadership to achieve not only the Super Bowl, but most importantly – the...
Are you a Neatnik?

Are you a Neatnik?

Do neat, organized people – “neatniks” – really have better productivity skills? Are neat and organized people more productive than their messy colleagues? It’s a question that comes up often in office settings. Do you think that someone who has a messy desk and...
Leadership: It’s already in there…

Leadership: It’s already in there…

Most LACOSTA customers have a comprehensive range of responsibilities. Taking care of a large facility may require relating to a host of vendors, overseeing all types of services, hiring and firing workers and most important, keeping office executives and workers...
Is your desk a microbe jungle…

Is your desk a microbe jungle…

Every day you see the LACOSTA team members diligently cleaning visible  soiling and dust for your company. But did you know that a significant part of what we do is battle microbes – tiny single-celled beings. Some are good, but the ones we battle have a bad attitude...