How Much Water Do You Really Need?

How Much Water Do You Really Need?

Water is one of the few essential elements of life; we all need it! Staying hydrated throughout the day is something that we should all strive for. In the last few years, there’s been some debate about how much water we need to be drinking daily.   Some...
3 Tips For Staying Productive

3 Tips For Staying Productive

Productivity. This single word is what drives much of our lives, and yet all of us have struggled to stay productive at one time or another. Regardless of the activity in question, we all want to be productive and maintain that productivity for as long as we can....
How to Manage Labor Costs When Rebuilding your Business

How to Manage Labor Costs When Rebuilding your Business

It’s no secret that business owners worldwide have been struggling to deal with the lasting effects of the pandemic. When Covid-19 was at its peak, companies of all sizes and industries had to adjust rapidly to stay afloat. While several businesses stayed open for...
Digital Detox Challenge

Digital Detox Challenge

Ever since 2007, when smartphones first became a reality, they have slowly crept their way into almost every corner of our lives. What was once an incredible new technology has become an everyday standard of the majority of the globe. While this has brought many good...
The Impact of Sustainable Cleaning Chemicals

The Impact of Sustainable Cleaning Chemicals

Over the last few years, the entire world has gotten a crash course in why cleaning and disinfecting are such necessary services. As the pandemic grew around the globe, janitors and cleaning services worldwide suddenly became some of the most valuable workers around....