How A Clean Workplace Affects Your Employees Performance

How A Clean Workplace Affects Your Employees Performance

When we were growing up, we were all probably told to clean our room by our parents, and many of us probably scolded our college roommates for not washing their dishes. True, some of us were probably more on the receiving end of the scolding, but clearly, cleanliness...
Conversation Starter: Digital Stress

Conversation Starter: Digital Stress

This last year has seen most of us spend a lot more time in front of a screen.  Between remote work and school, and the time we already spend on social media, there’s a pretty new phenomenon people are calling “Digital Stress.”  Digital Stress is created by...
Understanding LACOSTA’s Process for Onboarding Clients

Understanding LACOSTA’s Process for Onboarding Clients

Imagine you just reached out to LACOSTA to set up a new working relationship. First of all, congratulations on taking the first big step! You’re likely nervous about how the process will go, and that makes a lot of sense. This is your company we’re talking about,...