Getting a good start to your workday can set you up for success, and help reduce your stress! Eating a good breakfast is helpful, and so is getting the right amount of sleep, but you might want to add in some light movement and breathing exercises to your mornings....
In order to be successful, a business has to understand a couple of variables. Naturally, things like marketing, sales, and customer service are vital to the business, but none of those are possible without the company’s heart; the employees. On a day-to-day basis,...
Now, more than ever, the American workforce is focused on a work-life balance more than anything. While paychecks and financial stability are still very important (nobody is denying this), the “hustle culture” that has existed for so long is beginning to wane. A...
Every place of business needs cleaning at some point. Granted, hospitals and restaurants need different types of cleaning than an office building, and each company has unique needs, but cleaning the workplace is unavoidable. This also means every business has to come...
Though it might not be at the top of the list, janitorial work can be one of the more dangerous professions out there. While some jobs are hazardous because of heavy lifting, complicated machinery, or physical exertion, janitors’ most significant hazard is also one of...
Cleanliness and orderliness in one’s personal workspace is an important component of boosting and facilitating productivity. Having less clutter can help reduce stress and clear one’s mind of extra worries. In this article, we will talk a little bit about how...