When Disinfectants Go Bad

When Disinfectants Go Bad

Unfortunately, COVID is still with us. Although widespread vaccination has diminished the death toll of the pandemic, even people with their four-shot regimen have been picking up the disease. Awareness of other enemies of the human immune system has caused many...
Is the Common Cold Impossible to Prevent?

Is the Common Cold Impossible to Prevent?

Is the Common Cold Impossible to Prevent? One aspect of our job at LACOSTA is to keep you healthy. We fight germs, bacteria and viruses on a daily basis. One of our challenges is the common cold which contributes greatly to absenteeism in the workplace.   The...
Are you working in a sick building?

Are you working in a sick building?

Yes, buildings get sick too. And sometimes it is contagious to us human beings. The term is “Sick Building Syndrome” or SBS. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines SBS as something that occurs when “building occupants experience acute health and comfort...
What Makes an Excellent Durable Paint Job

What Makes an Excellent Durable Paint Job

Tips from the LACOSTA PROs LACOSTA provides commercial paint services for large industrial buildings, warehouses and office complexes. In these large projects, the quality difference is in the details. The same applies to you when you hire a painter or handyperson to...
Don’t Touch This – The Door Knob’s Story

Don’t Touch This – The Door Knob’s Story

You used to be called a “germaphobe” if you took extra precautions to avoid contact with other people and things. But COVID turned us all into germaphobes and wasn’t it pleasant for many of us to not only avoid COVID, but also to avoid bouts with colds and flu. If...