The temporary worker industry has become an invaluable tool for many businesses around the globe. Whenever a company experiences a labor shortage or significant dip in production, temp agencies can be a great solution to fill in the gaps. On the other hand, working with a temp staffing agency can sometimes be risky and detrimental to your business, and when it comes to your business, the less risk, the better.
LACOSTA knows the value of supplemental workers. We understand how difficult it can be to address workforce challenges which is why we offer our Managed Labor Staffing Solutions. As an improved alternative to temp agencies, our Managed Labor solutions provide many of the same services, with significantly less risk and higher quality staffing for your needs.
This article will explore the differences the two services can provide while going in-depth into what our Managed Labor employees can add to your business.
Comparing our Temporary Workers
In today’s world, temporary employees are a well-integrated part of the workforce and are utilized for many different types of jobs across many industries.
At its core, a temporary staffing firm provides workers on short notice to businesses in dire need. Temp staff can be used to fill short-term roles, deal with employee shortages, and fill production gaps, among many other possible uses! Employing temp staff can also have a domino effect by lessening the need for an extensive hiring process or large human resources department.
On this level, LACOSTA’s Managed Labor Solutions provide many of the same benefits as a temp agency, as our workers are insourced to be a part of the team. However, we’re not just another temp agency, as we know many of the significant issues that can come with temporary staff, and work to provide better, safer solutions.
We’ll go over some of the most common concerns that come with temp staffing and show the difference that LACOSTA can make.
Skilled Labor
A common difficulty that businesses run into when working with a temp agency is the skill level of their temporary employees. Because most temp firms don’t have the time or resources to train every new temp employee, many of their workers can be unprepared, with little expertise in the area of business they are sent to.
In turn, this slows down your business, as you have to train new employees and rely on workers that have minimal experience. While it may allow you to enjoy more flexible staffing, unskilled laborers can be a severe blow to the productivity of your workplace.
In response to this problem, LACOSTA takes time to train and develop every employee. By doing this, we can offer staff that is considerably better prepared and more efficient than a regular temp staff.
Not only does this save your business the hassle of training new temp staff, but it can also add to your productivity! With better-qualified candidates ready to fill whatever role needed, LACOSTA’s Managed Labor employees can provide your business the extra boost it could be missing.
Benefits and Morale
Another considerable concern for businesses working through temp agencies is the morale, specifically, the morale of their temporary employees. Often, temp staff will be working alongside full-time staff, essentially doing the same job without the benefits and job security that comes with a full-time position.
Many businesses are concerned that this can lead to a rift between their employees and their temp staff, leading to a fractured workplace with lower motivation and morale. This problem can be compounded by temp agencies, as they rarely offer significant benefits to their own employees. Without a safety net of benefits or the promise of better compensation for their work, temporary workers can feel expendable and put less energy into their work.
LACOSTA, in comparison, provides our Managed Labor staff with long-term career planning options, benefits, and training. Instead of a worker who could be resentful of their coworkers or seem lazy on the job, you get an employee confident in the security of their career, ready and willing to work!
Labor Management
When temporary workers come into your workplace, you might feel the need to micro-manage more than you usually do. Whether you are concerned about their work, nervous that they may be a liability, or just want to make sure they’re doing ok, monitoring them can take up a big chunk of time and energy.
LACOSTA recognized the need for quality labor-management when it comes to oversight of staff, which is why we have a client site manager at every client we work with. Our client site managers are in charge of our Managed Labor employees’ work, as well as an intermediary between your business and our employees.
This way, if one of our workers has a problem, they can deal with our client site managers to come to a solution, saving you time, money and energy. Client site managers set us apart from other temp agencies and allow us to bring the highest level of attention, consistency, and coordination to your work.
We’re very proud of our managed labor solutions, and we are confident your business will agree! We offer our services up and down the supply chain, from assembly line production to distribution center management team members, with a guarantee of trained, responsible, highly qualified workers.
Don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions you might have about our services! We are happy to discuss our services and how they might apply to your particular worksite and workplace environment.