1. Establish a Regular Cleaning Schedule: Commit to a regular cleaning schedule that covers all areas of the home or office. This could include daily, weekly, and monthly tasks to ensure nothing is overlooked, like dusting, vacuuming, and decluttering.
  2. Declutter: Beyond scheduling regular decluttering sessions, resolve to make decluttering a daily habit by establishing routines and boundaries. For instance: when displaying mementos, photos, office tools, and supplies, limit yourself to say three in a specified area.  Put the others in a drawer to be rotated into the area later. If you want to add a memento, then remove one and replace it. Make small rules like these throughout and remember it’s no sin to have an open breathing space on a bookshelf or desk.  You don’t need to sterilize – just accentuate.  This not only keeps spaces tidy but also reduces stress, increases efficiency, and looks thoughtful.

  3. Enhance Security and Safety Measures: Resolve to enhance the safety and security of your home or office. This can involve checking and updating security systems, reviewing exterior lighting and video recording systems. Check that smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms are functioning properly. Create an emergency preparedness plan that includes a first-aid kit and easy access to emergency contacts and procedures.

  4. Improve Indoor Air Quality: Focus on improving indoor air quality by maintaining HVAC systems, using air purifiers, and integrating indoor plants that naturally clean the air. Regularly replacing air filters and ensuring good ventilation can significantly enhance the air quality of your living or working space.

  5. Implement Green Cleaning Practices: Commit to using environmentally friendly cleaning practices and products. This could include reducing the use of chemicals, recycling more, and minimizing waste. Educating yourself and others about sustainable practices can also help foster a healthier environment.

Adopting one or all of these resolutions can lead to more organized, clean, and sustainable living and working environments throughout the year.

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If you ever have any questions or would like a quote for janitorial or managed labor services, feel free to contact us at any time at

[email protected]

440 West Bonner Rd. Wauconda, IL 60084 IS

(847) 526-9556