As employees return to work following the COVID-19 closures, companies will need to address both the physical and mental stress around potential viral exposure.

As employees move back to the workplace after months of sheltering at home, a well-planned process for cleaning and sanitation is critical for ensuring that the risk of coronavirus exposure has been minimized.

But physical health is not the only challenge facing employers who have to reassure a fearful workforce that the workplaces and offices they have been told to avoid for months are now safe to occupy. Psychological reassurance will also play a role in smoothing the return to the workplace.

While making sure your team is safe is the priority and you are likely monitoring the guidance offered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, making sure your team feels safe is also critical to a successful rebound.

High Visibility Cleaning and Disinfecting Instills Confidence

Janitorial work used to be done on a second or third shift, out of sight of employees and customers. Today, professional janitorial teams are likely to be working throughout the day in a more visible role. It’s both reassuring and an effective way to maintain a higher level of cleanliness. 

Cleaning should be ongoing, routine, effective, thorough, and personal. Among the many considerations are frequent – and visible – cleaning of bathrooms, doorknobs, handles, light switches, phones, desks, and keyboards, and other high-touch surfaces. This protects employees from more than the threat of Covid-19 – it also minimizes the risk of more common viruses and allergens that are not only health risks, but can also cause symptoms that will provoke new fears at a time of heightened focus on health that is likely to persist for some time.

A reliable janitorial partner has always been a source of reassurance to business owners, but in the current environment, that peace of mind can and should be shared with employees. 

At LACOSTA Facility Support Services, there is no such thing as going the “extra mile” – our business model is built around  providing the highest quality services at all times, with processes that are customized and integrated into our clients’ processes. With on-site supervision,  KPI-driven processes and a professionally trained cleaning team that works like part of your team, the LACOSTA difference means you and your employees won’t have to wonder if your workplace is clean enough.

High-Quality, Cost-Effective Cleaning for Peace of Mind

As a leading service provider for pharmaceutical, health care, education, consumer products manufacturers, industrial manufacturers and LEED certified facilities, our processes are trusted to meet the highest standards for cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfection and preventing cross-contamination with practices like different colored towels for different surfaces.

The experts at LACOSTA can help develop a plan for your business that will be cost-effective and meet stringent cleaning standards. We are an MBE Corporate Plus certified national service provider that adheres to the CDC recommendations.

To learn more about how the right janitorial partner can help you through the rebound with high-quality service and peace of mind, give us a call or click on the link below.

Contact us to learn more about keeping your facility safe and clean