The Dos and Don’ts

To put it bluntly, Holiday Parties are dangerous!

First of all, there are a few that you absolutely must attend – let’s call them VIPs – very important parties.  You know which ones they are. They include your own company’s party; important client parties; future prospect parties; lunchroom celebrations with your team; and finally private parties given by anyone in your company’s leadership team.

Of the VIPs, be sure to RSVP as soon as possible. Commit your time and be sure to attend. Look at VIPs as opportunities to network – fun should be a distant secondary consideration. Your co-workers are not your family and friends. You may even be able to make an important connection with an otherwise inaccessible person at a VIP.


The common-sense advice here is to “know your limits.” The safe advice is to abstain entirely. A coke with a maraschino cherry will prevent you from imbibing a few career killers like:

  • Saying things you should not say to people who should not hear what you say.
  • Not mingling and fawning over anyone.
  • Being a wall flower.
    Note: Start with those you know. If other groups seem uninviting, then use this trick: sit at a table or area where others can easily join you. Don’t have a drink near you. Sit back like you are taking a time-out from the party to munch on a snack. Inevitably, someone – maybe equally shy – will offer to get you something to drink and then come and join you.
  • Looking like a glutton by stacking on the food, especially sloppy food.
  • Revealing confidential information.

Key points to keep in mind

Be prepared. You don’t need to be a self-promoting shark but at least know people’s names – especially ones you are expected to know. 

Dress for Holiday Party success

If you’re attending a professional or corporate holiday party, make sure your outfit is appropriate for the office. This means no ripped jeans, bright colors, or overly casual looks. Choose something that is dressy but still professional and makes you look relaxed. Also, avoid anything too flashy or revealing. You want to make a good impression, not stand out for the wrong reasons.

Whatever holiday behavior happens in your company, stays in your company

Over the holiday season, your LACOSTA staff visits every area of your building and might see and hear things that they shouldn’t share with others. A workshop on confidentiality helps LACOSTA staff understand the importance of confidentiality; helps them identify confidential information, and how to spot and avoid potentially troublesome situations.

Confidentiality workshops are particularly important when we work in health care or another industry with stringent privacy and confidentiality requirements.

Enjoy a Happy Holiday

LACOSTA Staff wishes you a happy, safe and thoroughly enjoyable holiday season.