As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to bear down on the United States, many individual states have taken preventative measures to try to slow the spread of the virus. One of these actions was issuing stay at home orders and preventing non-essential workers from conducting day-to-day business. While these orders were prevalent across the nation starting in April, states have since begun the process of reopening, easing the restrictions and allowing citizens to begin to get back to some sense of normalcy, even if there are still a number of strict rules and guidelines in place.  

Are Janitorial Crews Considered an Essential Workforce? 

In order to combat the spread of the virus, businesses, hospitals, and other public areas have had to place a high emphasis on proper sanitation and cleaning procedures. To accomplish this, janitorial workers have been considered part of the “essential workforce” from the beginning of the outbreak so long as they were providing “support required for continuity of services” in businesses and other public areas which in and of themselves were considered “essential”. 

For example, if your business was a restaurant, and therefore deemed non-essential, your janitorial workforce was deemed non-essential as well, since you don’t need a team to clean your restaurant if you are not operating it.  

However, for large industrial plants manufacturing essential goods and for hospitals providing patient care and other essential services, their janitorial crew was and is considered an integral part of their operation, making them essential.  

How Is LACOSTA’s Team Adjusting their Procedures During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Our team of trained professionals is dedicated to adapting to each and every situation, regardless of the challenges they may present. The current situation with the COVID-19 pandemic is no different. We recognize that our teams are serving in essential roles at hundreds of different warehouses, factories, distribution centers, and more. Even more, as facility support service professionals, we recognize that proper cleaning during such a situation is more important than ever before, and proper procedures and techniques could mean the difference between a healthy and safe working environment and one that is not. With every business we work with, we view ourselves as partners, and we are committed to taking the precautions with your workplace and providing the same great quality service that we would if it was our own. 

As part of our effort to quickly adapt to the COVID-19 situation, we have modified our services to best accommodate our clients. In particular, we have increased the number of times we clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces, identifying these areas quickly and giving them increased attention. We also have a rapid response team ready to be deployed in case of a suspected COVID-19 contamination or confirmed contamination situation. In addition, we have partnered with the managed labor side of our business to help our clients who need help with temperature screening and other COVID-19 monitoring procedures to prevent individuals with symptoms from entering a facility and causing potential workplace contamination. 

Indeed, our clients have been both incredibly pleased and impressed with our renewed efforts and dedication during this challenging time. Here are just a few of the responses we have received from our clients regarding our COVID-19 efforts: 

“During this trying time of the COVID-19 pandemic, one thing has stood out for me. The cleanliness of the major areas, especially common passageways, restrooms, walls, and doors on the main floor, are constantly being scrubbed, disinfected and sanitized. I find myself in need to point out the tremendous effort that the cleaning crew is putting forth. They are omnipresent throughout the day, constantly cleaning with excellent attitudes towards their work and those they pass by while doing their work. These individuals have just as many concerns and difficulties as the rest of us, if not more. Yet, they are steadfast, friendly and courteous while sanitizing our work areas and probably helping to save our lives while we do our work here. I give them all my hardiest Navy Veteran acknowledgement—BRAVO ZULU (well done).” – Raytheon

“[LACOSTA} services is a critical component of keeping the Paris, TX Campbell’s facility open during the pandemic. You protect us from illness that would cripple our operation during a time our product is needed most. The [LACOSTA] team has not only performed flawlessly to date, they have been extremely responsive and flexible to our ever changing needs. I cannot thank you enough for the solid work and personal dedication I have seen from the entire [LACOSTA] team even to the point of scouring local stores for supplies. Your performance has been outstanding and commendable. Thank you!” – Darrren McIntire, Campbell Soup Supply Co. 

“I just wanted to drop a line and recognize the crew you have here in the Loudon facility. They have really been leaned on as of late with the whole COVID-19 situation with expanded areas, added duties, repeat procedures, etc, etc, and have taken it all in stride and keeping up the standard set within your and our companies. I really do appreciate the efforts put forth by the leadership and the crew here and thank them for all that they are doing!” – Clay Erickson, Tate & Lyle 

How Can My Company Partner with LACOSTA?

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you are interested in learning more about how our services could help your business specifically. We are happy to discuss how our different offerings would apply to your individual business. Plus, if you are ready to take the next step, we would be happy to provide you with an analysis and quote. 

Also, don’t forget to keep checking back on our blog! We have been and will continue to post tons of great content and information on our latest standards and procedures, as well as how our business and our clients are adapting to the new working environment.