Get Started in 3 Easy Steps

The LACOSTA 3-Step Managed Labor Process for Ending Plant Labor Shortages & Increasing Output

Often, the hardest part about tackling a new initiative is getting started. Below is our three step approach for making it easy to eliminate your plant labor problems and give your time back with managed labor staffing.

Step 1: Managed Labor Audit

Part A: The Discovery Call

The managed labor discovery call is a phone conversation to better understand:

  • Your current labor environment including challenges and shortages
  • Any shortfalls related to temporary services, plant output and facility cleanliness
  • Specific functions within your operation that LACOSTA can support
  • Whether a site visit is justified

Part B: The Site Visit

The managed labor site visit is an important part of LACOSTA’s Managed Labor Audit because it determines:

  • The proper alignment of job descriptions to the actual job functions and their associated environment
  • Areas of potential efficiency and operational improvement
  • A transition and implementation plan
  • LACOSTA’s overall cost with transparent analysis of ROI versus your current operation

Step 2: Staffing Transition

The transition into a new managed labor operation is vital to overall success and includes specific goals such as:

  • Updating and documenting all processes and procedures
  • Establishing visual cues and detailed work instructions
  • Creating key performance indicators (KPIs) and scorecards incorporating your input
  • Providing weekly updates on transition progress & milestones

Step 3: KPI Reporting

Scheduled business reviews of KPIs and continuous improvement initiatives with transparent reporting, including:

  • Daily site reports
  • Monthly partnership meetings
  • Quarterly compliance audits
  • Annual reviews

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