To have a successful business, the goal is always to keep costs low and profits high. Anything that can save the company some money, or lower the existing operating costs is worth exploring! Unfortunately, many cost-cutting techniques for businesses can be time and resource-consuming, and for plenty of businesses, going through that process isn’t worth it!

That being said, one of the best cost-cutting methods out there is often overlooked, even though it can save your company time, money, and resources; outsourcing your cleaning services. Sure, it might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you imagine saving businesses money, but once you examine the benefits of an outsourced janitorial service, you might just be the next company to make the switch! 

Obviously, every company is different, and outsourcing your cleaning services won’t automatically save you heaps of cash. However, by investing in a partnership with the right janitorial cleaning service, you stand to reduce costs, improve your facility’s cleanliness, and even give yourself a little more peace of mind. 

Here are a few good reasons to invest in some outsourced commercial cleaning services! 

Money Talks

When you have your own janitorial team, there are a number of costs you need to consider. From buying and providing the various pieces of equipment to hiring and training new employees, having an in-house janitorial team can be a hassle, not to mention expensive. 

When you outsource those services, you’re also outsourcing a lot of the costs! Here are some of the key areas that you could be saving money in!

  • Tools and Equipment – Cleaning companies like LACOSTA will have all of the necessary cleaning products and tools they need, meaning all of the costs of finding, maintaining, and repairing equipment are no longer on your plate!
  • Salary and Benefits – When you get a quote from your outsourcing services provider, that’s the price you will pay, and not a cent more. The salaries, benefits, insurance and even a 401k (if partnering with LACOSTA)  are all handled by the cleaning company, giving you a nice boost in the budgeting department. 
  • Training and Supervision – An in-house janitorial team reports to you and your company, meaning you need to invest in supervisors and managers for day-to-day operations. Beyond that, you’ll also need to ensure every team member is properly trained and qualified, and provide said training if needed. It doesn’t take long for those costs to add up, but when you hire a cleaning service like LACOSTA, you no longer have to worry about any of it! LACOSTA provides on-site supervisors to every janitorial partnership, taking the time and money out of managing your cleaners. We also guarantee that every team member put on the job will be capable, highly-trained, and motivated in their work, erasing any worries you might have over teaching an entirely new crew of employees.

Quality Control

Cutting costs is important, sure, but if that comes with a decrease in quality of work, then there’s really no value to it at all.  Outsourcing your cleaning is the opposite, as it both saves you money and enhances the quality of your workspace. 

By investing in professionally trained cleaning crews, you’re ensuring that the job is done correctly and efficiently. Most times, a professional crew will be able to clean on a level far above anything an in-house team can provide, and the value doesn’t just stop there. 

A professional service can also provide you with more types of cleaning than an in-house team can normally account for. The right outsourced company will be flexible enough to handle practically any task, from office deep cleans to pre-and post-event cleaning. This adaptability is hard to match, and with the right company, your cleaning options could be nearly limitless.  


Another common complaint about janitorial teams is inconsistency. With many in-house cleaning crews, there is little consistency from week to week, leaving businesses to settle for “good enough.”

Professional services, on the other hand, depend on consistency to stay in business! Take LACOSTA for example. Our company has been in the janitorial business for over 30 years, providing top-quality cleaning services across multiple industries and locations. If our professional cleaning crews were sloppy or inconsistent, there’s no way we could have stayed as a premier provider for three decades and counting! 

It’s All In The Timing

Saving money by switching to an outsourced cleaning crew is fantastic. Building a consistent cleaning schedule, with a capable and well-trained crew is even better, but there’s still an aspect of this switch that could be overlooked; time

Everyone has heard some version of the saying “Time is Money,” and for most businesses, this rings true. When you make the switch to outsourced cleaners, you aren’t just getting cleaner floors, you’re getting a whole clock’s-worth of your time back! 

After your initial meeting and connection with the cleaning company, the responsibility of keeping your company clean leaves your desk! You no longer have to keep track of cleaning crews, schedules, equipment, or complaints, meaning you are free to focus on the more important aspects of your job! It might not seem like a huge drain on your time now, but once you wake the switch, you’d be shocked at how much additional time you have in a day!

Top Of The Line Cleaning

We understand that not every company is able to invest in outsourced cleaning, and that’s ok! Every business will have different needs and capabilities. That being said, if you’re presented with the option to switch to an outsourced cleaning company, we highly recommend taking that chance! You can save money, time and frustration by making the switch, not to mention your worksite will be cleaner than ever before.

At LACOSTA, we know the ins and outs of what a cleaning service can provide.  For over 32 years, we have delivered top-quality janitorial services to a multitude of industries and facilities. We have the resources and expertise to handle almost any cleaning job imaginable, and our excellent customer service record speaks for itself. 

Reach out to us today to ask about a janitorial partnership or to learn more about how LACOSTA can help you transform your business, visit our blog.